The Ghana Association of Houston is a converged forum for Ghanaians within the Houston metropolitan area of Texas, serving as the umbrella organization of all Ghanaians living in and around Houston. It also serves friends of Houstonians that aspire to the ideals of the association. It serves as the sole mouth piece of Ghanaians in the Greater Houston area.
Our Aims & Objectives
About Us
About Us
The Ghana Association of Houston is a converged forum for Ghanaians within the Houston metropolitan area of Texas, serving as the umbrella organization of all Ghanaians living in and around Houston. It also serves friends of Houstonians that aspire to the ideals of the association. It serves as the sole mouth piece of Ghanaians in the Greater Houston area.
The leadership of the organization consists of the leadership of all Ghanaian factions of ethnicity and subdivisions in Houston. It acts as the sole representation of Ghanaians. Notable amongst subgroups are GaDangme Kpee Association, Ewe Association, Okuapeman Association, Asante Kroye Kuo of Houston, and Brong Ahafo Association, and many other smaller groupings.
We built our strength in standing together as Ghanaians to be of service and support to our brethren.
Membership Eligibility
Any individual with interest in Ghanaian affairs is eligible to be enrolled as a member of the association.
Any member of an Ethnic/Sub-Group that is currently recognized, or has been evaluated and admitted into the Association by the executive board, after having paid the dues of such Ethnic/ Sub-Group and that of the Association, shall be enrolled as a member of the Association.
Membership Benefits
Access membership benefits by ensuring any and all association dues and paid in full within the required timeframe.
Only members in GOOD STANDING shall be eligible to the benefits of the Association. A member in GOOD STANDING is defined as that member who is a paid-up member at the beginning of the pay period defined for the payment of Association dues.
Submit Members Dues
Annual Membership fee for Ghana Association of Houston is $20.00
Past Presidents
2024Dr. Yao Ababio
2024- 20252021Dr. Nana Asare
2021-20242018Dr. Godwin Agboka
2018-20212015Franscis W. Sey
2015-20182012Mrs. Christiana Asiama-Akuamoa
2012-20152008Dr. Janet Araba Aikins
2008-20122006Rev. Ofosu J. Akyea
2006-20082002Mr. Henry Ansah
2002-20062000Dr. Ben Asante
2000-20021999Mr. Lawrence Frimpong
1999-20001997Dr. Yao Ababio
1997-19991995Mr. Alexander Asiama-Akuamoa
1995-19971980Mr. Yaw Mensah