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    List any skills/talents to volunteer*


    You can also print the membership form & mail it to us:

    Members Dues

    Annual Membership fee for Ghana Association of Houston is $20.00
    Submit Members dues.
    Ethnic/Sub-Groups shall, if a member so elects, collect dues at the beginning of the determined period on behalf of the Association. The election to pay dues through the Ethnic/Sub-Group, shall be an annual decision by the member and cannot be changed in the course of the financial year, except for a status change of the member.

    Membership Eligibility

    Any individual with interest in Ghanaian affairs is eligible to be enrolled as a member  of the association.
    Any member of an Ethnic/Sub-Group that is currently recognized, or has been evaluated and admitted into the Association by the executive board, after having paid the dues of such Ethnic/ Sub-Group and that of the Association, shall be enrolled as a member of the Association.

    Membership Benefits

    Only members in GOOD STANDING shall be eligible to the benefits of the Association. A member in GOOD STANDING is defined as that member who is a paid-up member at the beginning of the pay period defined for the payment of Association dues.